Thursday, 19 February 2015

A belated post from Wednesday

Due to some technical issues (students not being able to spell Mrs Martin's name in her email address...) here is the delayed guest student blog from Wednesday's HWS day in Barcelona. 

Today we got the metro in to Barcelona. It was a fun day which consisted of us visiting some major tourist attractions. We saw sagrada familia, which is famous because it was designed by the architect Gaudí. The squad (the four of us) made friends with turtles (see picture), spoke some professional Spanish and brightened up everyone's day. We managed to find a gorgeous toilet after asking many people (in Spanish) but Martha decided she could not wait in the queue and went to the men's instead lol. Ella seemed to be constantly eating random foods and took some pro pics. 
Tomorow we are going on a long walk and it will be so much effort but very special and memorable
We would like to do a quick shout out to Miss Martin and Mr soyer for being amazing tour guides and Maria is a lovely host lady person.

Written by Grace Weston-Jones, Martha Power, Seb Collins and Emily Godfrey (the squad)